Setting the bar higher

Author: FPF

Date: 27/11/2017

Writing in Trust and Foundation News for the Association of Charitable Foundations, Danielle Walker Palmour explains how a determination to use all of Friends Provident Foundation’s resources in pursuit of its mission means that it no longer sees itself as a grant-maker.


One of the great privileges of being an independent funder is that we work in organisations defined and driven by mission. As professionals and trustees, we are able to devote our personal and organisational resources – funds, networks, energy, expertise and attention – to having a discernible impact on our world. So why do so many of us define ourselves by our marginal spend? This is the question that has led my trust to completely change our management, governance and, most importantly, our thinking.


You can read the full article here in Trust and Foundation News courtesy of the Association of Charitable Foundations.